Posts by crazykid1297:
Uh-Oh, Nuke’M O’s!
July 1st, 2014We’re adding in some new canned food items into PostNukeRP, starting off with our first item, Nuke’M O’s.
Here’s a couple images of the new food item:
We’re still putting together more canned items using the new can as a template as we go, so please visit the Dev Forums and suggest any kind of canned foods that come to mind!
Rules Updated, and New Chat Command
February 21st, 2014We have updated our rules section for the PNRP Official Server. We have also added /motd as a chat command so you don’t have to use the console anymore.
Link to the rules page here:
Rules Updated
September 1st, 2013The Official Server Rules have been updated as of today. The changes include minor tweaks, and less broad wording of the rules.
It is highly recommended that all players visit the rules page, located here.
New Map Added
August 29th, 2013A new map was added to the official PostNukeRP server. The map’s name is “cityruins”, and it is available on the Steam Workshop. The map is detailed and is functional. It has slight issues beyond our control, yet it is still a good, decent map. We hope you’ll come check it out if the server is running it.
You can either download it from the server (slowly) or download it from the Steam Workshop beforehand (which is much faster).
Workshop Link:
PostNukeRP Current Status
May 4th, 2013GMod Updates 162-163 have broken a couple of things that are not related to PNRP.
You may experience error spam at times while connected to any GMod servers, such as upon joining, or while playing until an update gets released. This does not affect the gamemode itself, the server is functioning and you can continue to play normally.
Some maps have been removed.
We have temporarily pulled some maps from the maps list, such as pn_downcast, pn_downcast_night, rp_salvation, and rp_salvation_night. It is unlikely that rp_salvation will be re-added as it is no longer available on and it cannot be found on the steam workshop. That, and it is not a very well optimized map. Downcast, night and day versions will be re-added as soon as a problem with the terrain becomes resolved.
Garry’s Mod Update 162
May 2nd, 2013Server has been updated to Garry’s Mod Update 162, it is up and running.