As we know most people out there are getting this Engine Error. Client.dll Init() in library client failed.
From what I have found out this error was not caused by the recent update by Garry. This problem seems to have developed after a recent engine update by Valve. This beeing said we will still probably have to wait untill Garry releases a patch for this.
The Build and PostNukeRP server have been updated to 110.
Added PHX content pack
Changed default loading screen
sv_client_predict now defaults to 1
Ragdolls now copy skin, blood colour, material
No longer crashes when modelprecache is full (instead refuses to load new models)
Disabled scriptenforcer when playing demos
Fixed ‘out of edicts’ error – won’t create new entities if we’re near the limit
Servers can now define a loading screen for people joining their server (sv_loadingurl)[Lua] Fixed not being able to turn off player shadows
[Lua] Added GAMEMODE:CalcViewModelView hook
[Lua] Added ViewModel:ViewModelIndex()
[Lua] Lua entities can override regular entities (when named the same)
[Lua] Added Entity:StopParticleEmission()
[Lua] Added Entity::CreateParticleEffect( strName, iAttachmentType, tabControlPoints )
[Lua] Fixed bug in render.RenderView which meant that after enabling ortho mode you couldn’t turn it off again
[Lua] Added GAMEMODE:PlayerCanPickupItem[TTT] Added first person ragdoll cam.
[TTT] Added ability for Traitors to hang corpses on walls with the Magneto-stick.
[TTT] Added Glock automatic pistol.
[TTT] Added “X is innocent” radio command.
[TTT] Added “Call detective” button to corpses.
[TTT] Added debug messages to TTT entities for mappers (set “developer 2″).
[TTT] Added check that forces sv_alltalk off if it’s on.
[TTT] Changed gun ironsight positions to be lower (disable in settings).
[TTT] Fixed flaregun scorch marks often not showing up.
[TTT] Fixed thrown explosive barrel kills sometimes being attributed to victim instead of thrower.
[TTT] Fixed Fretta map-only vote restarting while in progress.
[TTT] Fixed ttt_damageowner not working well for certain physics-based traps
Upfated Wire/Wire Extras/PHX and the server itself.
Just running updates on boththe servers, they should be up within a few hours.