Both the PostNukeRP and Build Garrys Mod Servers are back up again.
Everything has been successfully converted to work with the new SteamPipe system.
As many of you know, Valve has changed over to the SteamPipe system for their games. This has caused some headaches in the moding world, and now the hosting world as well.
With this change over Valve has moved away from the HLDSUpdateTool to the new SteamCMD tool. As of now the HLDS tool will no longer update the server to the current version of GMod.
I am now working with our hoster to get the new tool configured correctly. This should not take that long, so the servers should be back up soon.
The Dev server will be back up either tonight or sometime this weekend since its not a high priority at the moment.
Update: 6/7/2013 9:50AM
Progress, but slow. The server will start up now and the database has been moved to the new folder. The reason for the delay is that with SteamPipe, everything is now placed in different folders. I am currently working with the hoster to get the game content uploaded and everything in its correct place.