Ok, build server still down, still working to resolve whatever problem there is.
Untill we get it back up I have changed the Dev server over to a temp build server.
IP: thercs.net:27015
Just a FYI, the Team Echo [TEC] Build server is down for the moment. There seems to be a account issue and we are contacting suppoort about it.
Keep a eye out, we should be able to get it back up soon.
Ok, got most of the areas up on the map, and got the 3d Skybox aligned now as well.
Just need to do some detail work and add some sounds and affects here and there.
After that I will start the noding process.
Windows 7 is intalled, Garrys Mod and everything else is installed, and hammer is configured. Work on the map has resumed.
As soon as the map is compleated I will be swinging my attention more to the gamemode again. Main goal I have right now is creating a good lag free map for the server to use. The map by Carlover should be done soon as well.
Oh, and if you are wondering about the version numbers, the released version of the map will be called gm_postnuke_rc1a
Well, going to be intalling Windows 7 Pro this weekend if my copy comes in. Got hit with some spyware and have to reload due to the damage it did to the system.
And Yes, i was able to remove it, I might be able to repair some of the damage, but from past experiance dealing with this, I would just rather reload.
So that beeing said, work on PostNukeRP and gm_PostNuke will halt untill I have everything back up and running.
In other news, I am up to version gm_postnuke_1a-7 now. The Dev server has -6 on it, and I may try moving -7 over tonight with the lighting fix for the town.
Ok, so I have started tinkering woth hammer and have started making a map for PostNukeRP. Still a long way to go, but its getting there. Have a early version in the Downloads section of the RC site. Its early stages, so alot of work to do. I will be posting the more finalized version on http://garrysmod.org when I get to that point.
Also, there are a few others who are working on maps for the gamemode as well. So var there is a version of gm_disaster on the downloads section as well made by Carlover726.
Updated the look to PostNuleRP.com to give it a better look.
Just a collection of addons that me and a few people use. A few of the legacy ones I have had to update myself manually. You can find these in the download section.
For addons that are still active, please consult the creator for support. This is just a collection, I did not create any of these.
Dragon Orb (The one I am creating) is not in this and is still on hold at the moment.