Been a while since I have posted a update on current development. Unless you have been following my tumblr account it may seem like I have not been very busy.
The next update that I have planned is a overhaul of the tool system. The problem with tools in PNRP is the lack of models to use for everything. So, to fix this I have taught myself Blender, and thankfully I already have some skill in Photoshop.
Crazykid has also been busy and will post a preview later on his progress with the new food items.
Thats it for now, will post more later on new models.
For comments or Questions: Forum Post
First patch that includes a community fix.
Patch Notes:
- Fixed error in saving persistent items
- Fixed drop rates of items from resource piles
Community Fixes (Bizzclaw)
- Fixed Antlion spawn around mounds
- Fixed exploit from Construction Credit