New Item added, the Hopper
Basically it will catch and store resources dropped from miners and worms. It will also store oranges.
These items are not stored in the hopper forever so you will still need to get them.
Patch Notes:
- Added new Tool, the Hopper
- Fixed power bug with turret
- Fixed power bug, doubling power output with single generator
- Fixed wording in Admin Menu
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Just bug fixes for these patches, mainly to address exploits found in the gamemode.
This is also one of the first patches where CrazyKid has been able to try his hand at some coding as well.
Bizzclaw has also been helpfull with pointing out a few of these and supplied some code suggestions that we ended up using.
- Fixed Miner Health Bug (applies to both miners)
- Fixed Infinite items exploit
- Fixed Community Minimum Member Requirement
- Fixed Shaped Charges not sticking
- Fixed Outdoors / Indoors Detection (Increased height)
- Balanced drop rates from piles
- Fixed spelling issues here and there.
- Fixed Combine spawning under the map.
- Fixed Pet and Paper duplication bug
- Fixed Pet ragdoll spam when death from fire
- Fixed infinate fuel exploit in generators
- Fixed Inventory showing items with a count of 0
- Fixed Hands Console spam due to invalid view model
- Fixed Open Car Inventory without car exploit
- Fixed Car to Inv item exploit
- Fixed Power Tool Mouse2 glitch, where power networks wouldn’t split correctly
- Fixed Prop banning exploit using escaped file paths
- Fixed Hull type for Fast Head Crab Pet
- Fixed turrets killing pets
- Fixed duplication exploits with death cases
- Fixed duplication exploits with Equipment menu