Few items for these updates.
- Added new Gas system (Will also affect Wire vehicles as well) Pickup a gas can with E and press R while next to Car
- Added Bird Pets
- Added Bird Pet Event (its silent so keep a eye out for them)
- Improved some of the Pet AI
- Fixed Active toggle in the Admin Events Window
One note on the Events Menu, this fix auto detects variables that are set as tue or false and will show a check box for it. If you have the Event Menu Patch allready, you may need to either edit the file and replace the number with true/false or delete the file and reload the map.
The Events save files are in your data/PostNukeRP/events folder
Two new items uploaded to the Live Server
Flair Guns and Vendor Display Items.
Falir guns are pretty obvious. You craft them from a workbench, and they are one shot per use. Even works on foggy maps.
Display Items are spawned from a Vendor. Players can acually use the item to purchase the item from the vendor. You also dont have to worry about any risk with these either.
Haev fun.
Few Issues have come up with Garrys Mod 160
1. Blue screen after the game loads and does not fully load.
- open steam\steamapps\yourname\garrysmod\garrysmod\cfg\mountdepots.txt and remove all the games listed
- Open Garrys Mod and remount your games.
2. Missing models on the map
- Still looking into this. You may need to do the above fix. It might help
3. Guns firing to fast
- Looking into this, we should have a fix soon.
Will add more here as we find them:
We are now at version 1.1.1. Most of this update is bug fixes.
I am currently pushing the changes to the live server. I am also updating Wire and updating GMod as well.
GMod Patch Notes: here
And yes, we have allready started work on 1.2.0 with new stuff.
PostNukeRP 1.1.1 Patch Notes:
- Added orange liqueur
- Moved M82 files to correct location
- Fixed Breakin Bar issue with Locker, Stockpile, and Personal Storage
- Fixed Locker repair if over 50%
- Fixed AddNetworkString issues with Lockers, Stockpiles, and Personal Storage
- Added check to prevent more than 4 death zombies from a player being spawned.
- Fixed Salvage Exploit
- Added Events Settings to the Admin Menu
- Added Community Search Window
- Incorporated Community Admin into new Community Search
- Fixed Errors in the Community Window
- Fixed Community Invite showing the Community ID and not Name
- Fixed Dropped Ammo /salvage Exploit, can no longer salvage dropped ammo
- Fixed Multiple Equipment Window Exploit
- Fixed Vendor Resource bug with Admin Overide on
- Fixed Speep AFK exploit
- Fixed Suite Power/Armor resetting to 0 on class change or load
- Removed Spawn Grid Ent from the Q menu to prevent server crashes
- Fixed some issues with Gredanes and Charges
- Fixed PHX 2×1 Textureing
- Fixed Ammo loss bug
- Fixed Inside/Outside looking down bug
- Fixed placement Phys Gun time on stockpiles and lockers
- Fixed Voice Panel Icons not removing after player leaves
- Fixed network errors on Power System (Report errors if any still exist on power system)
More fixes pushed to the Live Server.
- Added Community Search Window
- Incorporated Community Admin into new Community Search
- Fixed Errors in the Community Window
- Fixed Community Invite showing the Community ID and not Name
- Fixed Dropped Ammo /salvage Exploit, can no longer salvage dropped ammo
- Fixed Multiple Equipment Window Exploit
- Fixed Vendor Resource bug with Admin Overide on
- Fixed Speep AFK exploit
- Fixed Suite Power/Armor resetting to 0 on class change or load
These have been uploaded to the Live server
- Fixed Breakin Bar issue with Locker, Stockpile, and Personal Storage
- Fixed Locker repair if over 50%
- Fixed AddNetworkString issues with Lockers, Stockpiles, and Personal Storage
- Added check to prevent more than 4 death zombies from a player being spawned.
- Fixed Salvage Exploit
- Added Events Settings to the Admin Menu