Posting this here for all the TBU people on our server. Metroidfighter has installed new forums that can be accessed here
For all TBU related stuff, please post visit the TBU Forums.
For everything related to PNRP, keep using the existing forums. If you post bugs or sugestions for PNRP on the TBU forums, they may not get added to the list or even ptu into consideration. So be sure to use the correct forums.
Servers will be down for a bit today while Fragnet migrates the servers from XFactor. This will mean we should be on a faster server once this is done and should help with the lag that we have been dealing with.
Since alot of prople seem to have a lack of understanding for some terms, and others are gettign a bit chaotic. We have defined more rules and such on the TBU Website
I have also included a deffinition section on the page as well. If everyone followes these rules like they are supposed to, it should balance out alot of the chaos that has been going on recently.
Above all, listen to the Admins and Owners.