CyberPunkRP and PostNukeRP
So, been a while since I have posted a update here, but wanted to drop a update here. Most updates I have been posting has been under the TBU and/or Radioactive Cricket Discord servers.
Have been tinkering with Unity, though have been side tracked with Cyberpunk 2077 like everyone else.
Speaking of Cyberpunk 2077, since its release I have gotten a few offers for my domain name, I am not interested in selling the domain.
Merry Christmas
State of PostNukeRP Development
Forum Discussion here
Happy Halloween
Happy 4th of July
Garry’s Mod Servers Down: PostNukeRP and Build
Today both the TBU Build and PostNukeRP servers went down. After contacting Fragnet I got this response.
We are deeply sorry to inform you that during today’s server maintenance a raid array issue occurred.
This resulted in full data-loss on this node, we have actively been working on data restoration been unable to retrieve anyting from the drive so far.
Currently we are close to having the machine alongside the IPs back online, however with a fresh raid array installed.
Your service will be re-created but unfortunately be a fresh install as the local backups were lost as well.
Due to this major impact of this issue we have added 7 days of additional service time to your service.We are sincerely sorry about this inconvenience and are trying have done our utmost to retrieve any possible fails, unfortunately to no avail.
We do hope that you haven’t lost trust in us and we will of course assist you with setting up your server where possible.
So basically all the data on both servers is gone. Several years worth of files and such. The only up side is that I do have a database backup of the PostNukeRP server from 5/18/2015 so not all the player data from it is lost.
What does this mean?
It means the servers will be down for a few days as I try and reconfigure everything. I will have to upload all the extra content back to the server, and will have to get PNRP development version to a stable state to uplaod.
The build server will probably be back up first however.
I may also look at changing hosts, I am not sure yet. It is rather disappointing that they do not have any backups of their servers.
So until further notice, both servers will be down.
Merry Christmas
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween
Remember to prepared for any contingency.
Garrys Mod Virus
As most people allready know there is a virus that is spreading accross the GMod world. It travels from person to person via the server.
I have tried protecting the servers as best I can using the methods posted on Facepunch so the TBU servers should be safe. I will be checking the servers alot over the next few days to make sure they stay clean.
If you have become infected use this file, it is a batch file that will delete the files that the virus uses.
For more info on this issue: