Just some patches to fix a few bugs, nothing really new yet.
- Fixed RP Names
- Fixed Turret Programmer
- Fixed Vendor bug Fixed CNC and Workbech Bulk Create bug (People still could have clicked the image icon to create one at a time btw)
This should fix the last of the issues with the usermessages update.
We will also be changeing the versioning system as well, more info will be posted on the forums later.
The crashing issue may have been due to a corrupt file on the server.
What we did, apart from going mad, running in circles, etc…
What did we do to fix the issue?
Deleted Wire, wire extras, Adv Dupe, the PNRP Gamemode folder
Uploaded all that fresh
Ran the Updater 2 or more times
And rebooted the server more times than I can count
Oh, Head Crab Pet Tags are working as well as RP Names now
Over the past couple of days the server has been having alot of issues with stability.
I am posting this here to let eveyone know that we are working on resolving the issue.
For more updated info and progress, visit the forums. You can find more info here.
Hotfix 50.4
Fixed the Headcrab Pet Issue
Removed 95% of the ussermessages
This fix touches alot of systems in the gamemode so report any bugs on the forums.
First off, the next patch has been slow going, the usermessage conversion rather burnt me out for a bit, but will be working on it more tonight.
pn_bunker is now done, as some may have noticed its now called pn_lasthope. Bunker was the development name for the map and was not intended to be its final name. As most know, lasthope is a underground fully noded map featuring mines and common areas. This map was made by Metroidfighter. If your looking for a fun challenge, try this one out, just bring a friend.
I have also posted the Grid Files in a pack available in the download section. This is to help with new servers. As most know, the grid maps tell the gamemode where to spawn resources and mobs on the map. These can easily be imported through the Admin menu in PostNukeRP.
Two more updates, ment to post this yesterday.
Update 50.2
Added Pet Headcrab Event
Added Pet Head Crabs
Fixed Miners not needing to be owned to be used
Admin Touch All overides Miners instead of Crate All
Fixed Power Update Error when Turret Target was null
Modified Endurance Skill (10 level to 6)
Adjusted Endurance Skill Cost
Added /name command
Update 50.3
Added Combine Event
Added new Pulse Rifle Weapon
Added new ammo type
New feature allready. We have now started on the Event System.
So far just one even, Radiation Storms (Make sure your inside when it happens)
The day has come, we are releasing the PostNukeRP SVN
We had planned on doing this with version 50, but sooner. With all the work involved with Garrys Mod 13, it delayed our release date.
SVN: https://code.google.com/p/pnrp/
Wiki: http://postnukerp.com/wiki/
Does this mean no more new content? Wrong, we will still be working on new stuff. We are acually starting on the event system today.
Patch Notes can be found on the WIki, but I will post them here as well this time.
Patch notes:
1.Fixed Eng skill discount rate for individual Item construction
2.Fixed Radar Bug
3.Added more checks to disown script init
4.Added check for stockpile remove
5.Fixed some more slider issues
6.Vendor, items added to existing will now just add the items and not ask to change the cost
7.Fixed Vendor name nil when making a new vendor
8.Reduced the cost of new vendor and storage profiles
9.Deaths are logged into the logged file
10.Power Linker now shows Required Power on tools
11.Fixed radios
12.Fixed Pitch Bug on Super Miner
13.Blocked wire turrets and igniters
14.Added AFK Command
15.Added Dev Mode Command
16.Added Turret Programmer
17.Fixed Sniper Scope
18.Added lag compensation to weapons
19.Fixed WorldCache Issues
20.Fixed Workbenches Tool
21.Fixed CNC Tool
22.Fixed radio not showing in the equipment menu
23.Fixed pnrp_carinv exploit
24.Fixed Drop rates
25.Fixed exploit of Frags and Charges
26.Cleaned up some folders and old files