Good news and Bad news
Good news is, updates are going good on PNRP, we got alot done tonight. The HUD issues are fixed, Weapon Icons are fixed, Spawn Grid is now fixed. We had a glon issue with the Spawn Grid, so we made that system the first one to be moved to sqlLight.
Hud issue was with the font we were using, it seems to be bugged, so we are now using a new one. Weapon issue is a similar issue, but is now fixed.
Medium News: With moving the spawn grid to SQL, we will have to redo the spawn grids for the maps (not a big deal really)
Bad News: In light of the fact that there are currently 7780 files at about 2MB in the Player Save folder only (Thats not counting Inventory files), player data will be lost in this update.
I know that this will make a few mad, and it was not a light decision by me and Lost, but with that many files it will be near to impossible to import them into the new SQL system. As it is, that many player files is one of the reasons it lags so much when a player connects. Just creating a function to try and make a list of everyone who has joined crashes the server.
So, keep in mind, this is Beta. The new system on top of the new net code from Garry will make it run a whole lot faster.
And no, we will not be reimbursing player inventories when the server us updates, to do so on this scale is unreasonable and near to impossible, so please dont ask us to.
pn_revelation_beta_3 is available for download in the Downloads section, and is available for use on the PNRP Server as well.
Thanks goes to CrazyKid for building this great map, keep up the good work.