State of PostNukeRP
Posting this since not everyone seems to check the forums for current updated info.
PostNukrRP is not dead. We have held off on new updates and fixes in light of the upcomming changes for Garrys Mod. For those who do not know, the next update will break alot of addons and gamemodes since it will affect the way it communicates.
I have managed to get a beta key, so I will be looking into it shortly. LostInTheWired still is unable to getĀ online as of right now, but has been working on code in the mean time.
You can find alot of this info and activity on the forums.
Tested PNRP with the new Garrys Mod Beta. It is confermed, the update will break PostNukrRP, but its what we expected. The errors that I got during the test are the errors that I expected. Soon we will start the process of converting PNRP from datastreams to the new netcode. It is my hopes that we will be able to have the Patch live when the new version of Garrys Mod goes live.
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