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Is there anything extra to download?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:12 am
by Nirvash
I've been going to the server for a few days now. I love how everything functions so smoothely, and the server is fairly close to where I live so I get no lag. Big RP situations like this are what I play Gmod for to begin with. But I'm just wondering, what all do I actually need in terms of content? While playing, a few prop items like dropped loot comes up as errors. When this happens, I simply pick it up with the grav gun so I can add it to my inventory without struggling to find the hitbox. And the only item name I remember being an error was grub food, from Antlions, and a few items in the shop menu like the wastelander radio (the cheaper one). At the time of posting this, I have Portal 1 and 2, all Half Life 2 related things, CSS, and DOD:Source installed. As I post this I am going ahead and downloading every Valve game there is just to be sure.

But if anyone knows, what specifically do I need? I checked the wiki and the forums a bit and didn't find anything, so I'm sorry if I just missed that part. If it's not listed anywhere, a simple list of games or downloads would be great. I own every game made by Valve on Steam, so if I simply missed a game to install then it shouldn't be a problem. I just wanna make sure I get the full experience :D

Re: Is there anything extra to download?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:21 am
by DevilsNipple
the main 3 that you need for most of the content is:

HL2 (obviously)
CSS (weapons, props etc.)
and Episode 2 (episode 1 is not needed as all the same content is found in episode 2. and vice versa)
Episode 1 and 2 also will stop the grub worms and grub food from being errors aswell as some map textures.

For some of the other things like models for lockers DOD is needed, not much of DOD is used but some things still are, best having them.

^ apart from the above there isnt really anything else.

Re: Is there anything extra to download?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:13 am
by eldarstorm
What Devil said.

Will add the info on the wiki as well soon.