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How am I supposed to gain Respected rank?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 1:14 am
by Meh Lazor
I have searched through the forums and concluded you need the trust of a staff member to gain respected this is unfair for me because there are never any staff on because my time zone is British (UTC-0). This makes the game play less eventful and more boring because I have to recreate everything I do. And I am limited to using wire mod chips making it take for longer to basee thus I spend more time creating bases than actual the game mode intended game play.

IGN: Me Lazor Is Bigger Than URS!

I'd appreciate any suggestions to help my current problem. Thanks

Re: How am I supposed to gain Respected rank?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 8:52 am
by eldarstorm
I generally separate the running of the server to another forum, and the development of the gamemode to this forum.
I do this to keep and drama or politics out of the development of the gamemode.

More info on getting respected on the TBU PNRP server can be found here