The Brotherhood of the Eternal Order [The BOE] (TBU server)

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The Brotherhood of the Eternal Order [The BOE] (TBU server)

Postby Atomicprime » Sat Oct 22, 2016 5:27 pm

{Message Begin}
"No Gods, No Kings, No Masters. Stay free brothers." - Atomic Prime

1.0 : Member Types : The summary listed for each Member Type is not the entire rule set applying to each Type. For a complete understanding of the Order's rules please read the rules section. Failure to read the rules in not a valid defense against infractions.(Well it is until I write them.)
    1.1 : Head Members : Head Members are generally rank 3 members who are the heads of the Order and have a direct say on how the Order is run. Head Members cannot be current Recruits or Regular Members. Head Members are the only Members who can issue orders to other Members of the BOE. This ability to order is transferable as defined in the BOE charter. In all other regards they are essentially Executive Members. There will only ever be 4 Heads at a time with 3 representatives and one Leader.
    Head Members (Name|Position|Rank|Founder Status|Active):
      1. (Atomic Prime|Current Head|3|True|True)
      2. (John Doe|Current Warrior Representative|3|True|False)
      3.(Tyrone Barista|Current Support Representative|3|True|True)
      4.(Wolfram Muller|Current Manufacturer Representative|3|True|True)
    1.2 : Executive Members : Executive Members are rank 3 members who as such hold important jobs and duties in the order. While they have no say on how the Order is run they should be treated with respect by all members and it is encouraged to assist them as long as it does not go against the Brotherhood rules. They have the authority to admit anyone to the Brotherhood and place them in any Member type but Executive or Head. They also have full access to the stockpile and locker to use at their discretion as long as the needed resources doesn't cause the Order's resources to fall below the current minimum and are allowed to distribute stockpile and locker resources to anyone who is not rank 2 or 3. There is no limit to the amount of Executive Members.
    Executive Members (Name|Position|Rank|Founder Status|Active):
      1. (Andrew|Resource Manager|3|False|False)
      2.(Rusty|Supply Manager|3|False|False)
    1.3 : Senior Members : Senior Members are rank 2 members who are essentially officers of the Order. While they have no say on how the Order is run they should be treated with respect by every Member and it is encouraged that Recruits and Regular Members to help them in any way that does not go against the Brotherhood's rules. They have access to the locker and stockpile in order to retrieve resources needed to build weapons, ammo, medical items and food but not tools or vehicles and only the HUD interface and electronic boards from parts can be built with group resources as they are needed for a radio. Senior Members are not permitted to distribute resources to Regular Members or Recruits however they can store anything that is given to them in the locker or stockpile. There is no limit to the amount of Senior Members.
    Senior Members (Name|Position|Rank|Founder Status|Active):
    1.4 : Regular Members : Regular Members are rank 1 members who have either previously been Recruits or have been advanced to Member by a rank 3. While they have no say on how the Order is run they should be treated with respect by every Member and it is encouraged that Recruits help them in any way that does not go against the Brotherhood's rules. Regular Members will have no access directly to the Order's resources but can request that a rank 3 retrieves resources for them or that a rank 2 or 3 store resources for them. There is no limit to the amount of Regular Members.
    Members (Name|Position|Rank|Founder Status|Active):
      1. (Armory Adam|Base Guard|1|False|True)
      2. (Mr. N|Private N|1|False|False)
      3. (Alex|Private A|1|False|False)
      4. (Doctor McNumbra|Doctor|1|False|False)
      5. (Sherman|Private S|1|False|False)
      6. (CharMan Der|Private C|1|False|True)
      6. (CLG SkreacH|Avi|1|False|True)
    1.5 : Recruits : Recruits are Members in training. They are those who are sponsored by any Regular Member or above who has not been so lucky as to receive instant promotion to a higher Member Type from an Executive Member. Recruits have no access to the Stockpile and Locker and are to request supplies from rank 2 or 3 members. After a recruit is deemed ready by a rank 2 or 3 they will be promoted to Regular Member. If a recruit continuously shows a lack of regards for the rules of the Order he will be removed from the group and will only be given one further chance to join before he is blacklisted and forbidden from joining the Order. There is no limit to the amount of Recruits.
    Recruits (Name|Position|Rank|Sponsor|Active):
    1.6 : Honorary Member : Honorary Members are those who are not a part of the Order instead being part of a foreign group but have helped the Order. They can be recommended by any member but Recruit and once accepted by a rank 3 they are considered to be an ally to the Order. While they have no say on how the Order is run and will not be affected by its normal rules they should be treated with respect by every Member and it is encouraged that everyone help them in any way that does not go against the Brotherhood's Honorary Member rules. They are not to be attacked by any member except in self defense and are to be held to the Order's Honorary Member's rules rather then any Ally or Enemy group rules. There is no limit to the amount of Honorary Members.
    Honorary Member (Name|Sponsor|Group|Active):
      1. (Gabriel Scheswitz|Atomic Prime|Ark Hammer|True)
      2. (Mr. Clay|Atomic Prime|Titan Corporation|True)
      3. (MPF:EpU.BLADE.82779(Wolfie)|Atomic Prime|:-:Combine-Civil-Authority:-:|True)
2.0 : Temporary Info : Info about the Brotherhood that is likely to change randomly and at any given time. This will mostly be group resource minimums.
    2.1 : Stockpile Minimums : The minimum values of resources in the stockpile.
      2.1.1 : Scrap : 22000
      2.1.2 : Small Parts : 14000
      2.1.3 : Chemicals : 87000
    2.2 : Locker Minimums : The minimum values of items in the locker.
      2.2.1 : Oranges : 7000
      2.2.2 : Beans : 100
3.0 : Enemies : Enemies to the Brotherhood be it a group or an individual.
    3.1 : Enemy groups : ( Members|Threat|Estimated Worth|Recommended Action|Active) : Groups that are at war with the Brotherhood. Identifiable with a red flag near name.
      3.1.1 : Garrison of Tubruk ( 30|High|High|Do not place stockpile or locker. Fortify base. If you have superior numbers fight. If you do not or lose more then 3 battles in a row retreat to base and use it as a fortress sending out scouts for supplies as needed with no resources and only light weaponry on them.|False?)
      3.1.2 : Brotherhood of Steel (3|Low|Low|Believed to not be worth engaging, however feel free to do so but if they don't attack you I wouldn't attack them.|False)
    3.2 : Enemy players : (Threat|Estimated Worth|Recommended Action|Active) : Players that are to be considered enemies of the Brotherhood.
      3.2.1 : Chemistry (High|Low(Pockets everything)|Do not provoke. If you do the recommend action is to hide. This will not be effective however. He will likely find you. So secure base tight. Once he has found you your stuck where you are. Do not place stockpile or locker. Do not have anything of value out or have any weapons or resources on you. It smells money.|False)
4.0 : Allies : Ally groups to the Brotherhood. Identifiable with a blue flag near name.
    4.1 : Scatt Merc Inc
    4.2 : Combine Remnants
    4.3 : New Federal Republic
    4.4 : Titan Corporation
    4.5 : Miner Federation
    4.6 : Ark Hammer
    4.7 : Survivors of the Apocolypse
    4.8 : Survivalists
    4.9 : Russian Embassy
    4.10 : The Outlanders
    4.11 : Liberation Army
5.0 : Divisions : (Head|Classes|Job Description) The sections in the Brotherhood. These can be thought of as Jobs. It is the members decision on which division they are under however some classes do not fall under a certain division and as long are you are in that class you cannot be in that division. While in any division you are recommended to follow the division representative has the Head of the division who has more authority in a division then an Executive Member in that division but less then the Current Head. You are free to change divisions at anytime. If the divisions are out of balance and one is desperately needed, a Member of any rank or position, at random will be asked to change until one Member fulfills the needed role, this does not necessarily require a change in class.
    5.1 : Warrior : (John Doe|Wastelander,Scavenger,Scientist,Engineer|A Warrior is a soldier of the Order, you must defend bases, destroy mutant hordes, or join your Brothers on an attack against enemies of the Order.)
    5.2 : Support : (Tyrone Barista|Scavenger,Scientist,Engineer|Support is the backbone of any group, they gather parts, build ammo, heal, shield, or run reconnaissance.)
    5.3 : Manufacturer : (Wolfram Muller|Scavenger,Scientist,Engineer,Cultivator|Manufacturers are in charge of production. Things that can be made. This includes oranges, guns, worms, miners, etc. They make the stuff that allows us to make more stuff.)
6.0 : Power Structure : Summarized power structure. For a better idea of the power structure see the charter and rules.
    The BOE is headed by a Council of four members with 1 Representative from each of the Brotherhood's divisions and 1 Head of the Council called the Current Head. The Council is the only portion of Members that can change the Order's rules or enact new rules within the Order. Though there are ranks in the Order this is related more to permissions in the Order itself rather than an indication of authority as no Member must comply to a request from any other Member except for the Representatives, or Current Head and then only if the order does not exceed the authority given to them by the BOE Charter.
7.0 : Beliefs : Some background on BOE beliefs. For more in depth info please see the BOE charter.
    The BOE is a group that believes in the importance of the individual. The BOE and all groups are only as strong as the individuals in the group. We firmly believe in the individual's right to choice and property. Due to our love of the individual we will often judge people off of their character or actions rather than any affiliations or experience.
8.0 : Economic Policies : The BOE's economic policies.
    8.1 : Scrap : Big pieces of various materials, best source is miners.
      Scrap can be found through Salvaging, Scavenging ,and Miners. Scrap can be found in junk piles that look like big chunks of metal or trash bags. You can also get scrap from scavenging a car which produces 1 scrap per percentage of health lost during scavenging. The other most efficient way to get scrap is through miners, preferably super sonic miners however regular miners will also do the trick. The true value of Scrap will change with other players and groups however in the BOE it is worth 3 Small Parts and 1/10 Chems.
    8.2 : Small Parts : Lots of tiny pieces of things, best source is salvaging things.
      Small Parts are best found through Salvaging, however they can also be found through scavenging and miners. To get small parts through scavenging look for robotic like junk piles or cars. Most Small Parts in the BOE are acquired through salvaging as that usually provides a moderate amount of Small Parts. Small Parts are usually considered the rarest resource in the BOE as they are hard to mass produce and are required for most tools and weapons. The exchange rate for Small Parts in the BOE is 3 Scrap per Small Parts and 30 Chems per Small Part.
    8.3 : Chemicals : Misc Chemicals, best source is grubs.
      Chemicals in the BOE are primarily produced through Wasteland Worms. The other sources for chemicals is through Scavenging and Salvaging. The junk piles that give Chems look either like plastic bottles or are bright, colorful, and organic looking. Chems are the most heavily produced item in the BOE and as such have little value internally but for other groups without the capacity to mass produce Chems they can be quite valuable. The exchange rate for Chems in the BOE is 10 Chems per Scrap and 30 Chems per Small Part.
9.0 : Member Benefits : The benefits of being in the BOE.
    9.1 : Weapons : This is my rifle, there are many like it but this one is mine.
      9.1.1 : Executive : Now your playing with POWER. You will be granted access to a knife, a fancy handgun, any small assault weapon, and one large assault weapon . Lose the knife and we'll replace it, lose the handgun and you'll get a new one in a few days, small assault weapons will be replaced after an undetermined interval, large guns will be replaced after a month interval Ammo will be supplied we will supply you with a standard amount of ammo to be determined. You are free to buy and posses any other weapon however those must be made or bought at personal expense.
      9.1.2 : Senior : You will be granted access to a knife, a fancy handgun, and any small assault weapon. Lose the knife and we'll replace it, lose the handgun and you'll get a new one in a few days, small assault weapons will be replaced after an undetermined interval. Ammo will be supplied we will supply you with a standard amount of ammo to be determined. You are free to buy and posses any other weapon however those must be made or bought at personal expense.
      9.1.3 : Regular : You will be granted access to a knife, and a fancy peashooter of your choice. Lose the knife and we'll replace it, Lose the gun and you'll get a new one in a few days. Ammo will be supplied we will supply you with a standard amount of ammo to be determined. You are free to buy and posses any other weapon however those must be made or bought at personal expense.
      9.1.4 : Recruit : You will be granted access to a knife, lose it and we'll replace it. You are free to buy and posses any other weapon however those must be made or bought at personal expense.
      9.1.5 : Note : You will need to alert an Executive or Head member to any lost weapons to receive a replacement. The same goes for Ammo. We do not distribute explosive or Buzzs under Standard Conditions. Honorary Members do not receive weapon benefits.
    9.2 : Resources : Yes we have no bananas, we have no bananas today.
      9.2.1 : Executive : Executive Members have access to the Stockpile and the Locker. They are allowed to use Resources in order to make any item currently needed for the group so long as that does not cause the group RSS to fall below the minimums unless permitted by a Head Member or in an emergency setting *Please see definition of emergency setting*. There will be punishment for any Members proven to have broken the aforementioned rule that could include but is not limited to ; Seizure of the illicit items, destruction of the illicit items, severe fines, and in repeated cases demotion.
      9.2.2 : Senior : Senior Members have access to the Stockpile and the Locker. They are allowed to retrieve Resources in order to make Meds, Ammo, Food, and Weapons. Senior Members are NOT allowed to use group Resources to make Tools, and Vehicles. There will be punishment for any Senior Member proven to have broken the aforementioned rules that could include but is not limited to ; Expulsion from the order, seizure of the illicit items, destruction of the illicit items, demotion, and severe fines.
      9.2.3 : Regular : Regulars have no access to the Stockpile and Locker and must petition a higher ranked Member to obtain resources from the Stockpile and Locker. A Regulars request for Oranges from the Locker must be honored if the Regular has no private source of food. Regulars are also allowed to ask for small amount of scrap and Chems to make ammo, higher members must use their judgment to determine the amount to give. Otherwise resources will be distributed to this Member group based off of the judgment of the higher ranked Member on whether it is a worth while cause.
      9.2.4 : Recruit : Recruits have no access to the Stockpile and Locker and must petition a higher ranked Member to obtain resources from the Stockpile and Locker. Recruits request for Oranges from the Locker must be honored if the recruit has no private source of food. Otherwise resources will be distributed to this Member group based off of the judgment of the higher ranked Member on whether it is a worth while cause.
      9.2.5 : Honorary : Honorary Members do not receive Stockpile RSS, they are allowed Food RSS in the form of oranges to keep them from starving but are only to be distributed if they have no food of their own at the time.
      9.2.6 : Notes : Oranges will be the primary form of food distribution. We operate on a private to public use system as in if you have some of your own use it first. Small parts are hard to come by so be considerate when using them. To make clear Regulars, Recruits, and Honorary Members will have no interaction with the Stockpile or Locker. The offender allowing the Low Ranked Member to access the Storage and the Member accessing the storage can both be subject to punishment for such an act that results in the theft or misuse of group resources.
    9.3 : Misc Benefits : The first one is a sexy leader.

//Please stand by, more to come.
/* To Follow
* BOE Charter (All the info about the group, almost everything else in this post will be a summary of this.)
*More Economics
* History (Background of the BOE)
* Rules (Rules from the charter and anything else that has been enacted since then.)
* Application Form (Apply to the group or for a higher rank, whynot?)
* Benefits (Why you should join.)
* Lingo (Some phrases and such)
* How to's (Fortify, Fighting, etc.) and other important game info!
* How to edit this
* Forms
* More?
* Organizing this mess
{Message End}
Last edited by Atomicprime on Tue Jan 10, 2017 11:51 pm, edited 41 times in total.
Neither God nor master.
Posts: 6
Joined: Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:51 am
Location: Jerusalem, Oregon

Update Date

Postby Atomicprime » Sat Oct 22, 2016 9:51 pm

Created / Updated - 10/22/16
Updated - 10/23/16
Updated - 10/24/16
Updated - 10/25/16
    Added BOE Beliefs and Power Structure
Updated - 10/27/16
    Added BOE Economics
Updated - 1/10/17
    Added BOE Benefits
Last edited by Atomicprime on Tue Oct 25, 2016 9:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Neither God nor master.
Posts: 6
Joined: Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:51 am
Location: Jerusalem, Oregon

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