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"Floorbine" and how to fix them

PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:24 pm
by bizzclaw
This was a problem on my server bt it's already fixed, basically.. you guys only made it so combine spawn 50 gmod units off the ground when they spawn around their drop pod, which means if the drop pod is near a displacement or something high, the combine will spawn through it and fall below the ground. I've already fixed this, and really it's a TWO SECOND FIX
in postnukerp/gamemodes/base/events.
change the line 799 from this:
Too this

and then change line 877 from this:
Too this:
Floorbine fixed. You're welcome!

Re: "Floorbine" and how to fix them

PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:27 pm
by Dr.K
^Very Important!^