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[Bug] Vanishing Vendor Display Items.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:30 pm
by Nirvash
With the new feature to display items from your vendor, I've already come across a fairly small yet fairly annoying bug. I've got all my guns out on tables and hung on the walls and everythings looking nice. Then a customer or 2 walks through, and I start seeing some guns vanishing. I see this and get mildly excited because they're buying my stock. But then, upon checking the vendor itself, no sale has been made... Meaning you now have to spawn the lost displays and place them all over again.

I've found that whenever you have ALL of an item displayed (example: You have 3 shotguns in stock and also 3 shotgun displays) and then someone who does not own the display opens the purchase dialog box and either hits no or X's it out, the display vanishes despite not having made the sale. However, lets say you have less displays than the item (3 shotguns in stock, only 1 display), this bug appears to not happen. Leading me to believe it has something to do with the item display limitor getting confused.

Re: [Bug] Vanishing Vendor Display Items.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 11:06 am
by MissleLauncher21
it reappears.. trust me

Re: [Bug] Vanishing Vendor Display Items.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 11:51 am
by eldarstorm
I beleave that it does, just having details liek this helps with figuring out whats causing it.
It does sound like a issue with the limitor. Will check this out.

Re: [Bug] Vanishing Vendor Display Items.

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2013 12:24 pm
by eldarstorm