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PNRP Style Minecraft Allocator

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 3:58 pm
by CmdZoidberg
Now I'm unsure how many people here actually play Minecraft (hurdur) but I'm pretty sure the majority will be familiar with something called an Allocator Block. At present it's only available in mods though Dinnerbone has discussed including it in the next Redstone update. Anywho... Getting side tracked. My suggestion today is that we conjure up a tool which is able to do pretty much the same job as the Allocator Block. Suck up items near it and place them in a near by container. This would serve as a semi solution to some lag problems we have, inflicted by the more rich and powerful players who have 10 miners with 80 worms all pooping away at once. The "Allocator" would clean up their mess on a regular basis, freeing us of yellow poop spam induced lag and also enabling players to leave these things unattended, to focus on more interesting things such as their unique building projects, or murdering each other.


Re: PNRP Style Minecraft Allocator

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:06 pm
by DevilsNipple
i think this would be an amazing idea. there would need to be some kind of downsides to make it not so unfair.

for instance. the allocator can only place the items into a certain chest (new one), this chest can be destroyed completely and all items taken from it just like normal chest oir stock but when broken its gone for good. also the allocator should need to be outside to work making it more risky to leave everything unatended.

i do love the idea of the lag saving side of it.

Re: PNRP Style Minecraft Allocator

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:22 am
by LostInTheWired
Yeah, these problems with the ents are always annoying. We're considering options to fix this problem.

Re: PNRP Style Minecraft Allocator

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 5:38 pm
by LiddulBOFH
I like this, and I'm sure that clay would very dearly need/want this badly.
He tends to bring out a frame of a sort, line his miners up on it, and power them up.
He has to have him or someone else attend to it CONSTANTLY (He has his mining skill at 5, so scrap and small parts drop like, every second) so it doesn't kill the server.