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Electric Pole Relay

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:20 pm
by Darksoul
Me and Crazykid setup a huge power grid powered by 4 nuclear generators. We ended up selling the power to people, but it took a lot of relays to just get power about 500 feet to a neighboring base. It also costs a lot since you gotta have so many relays. So I was thinking of like a big electric relay pole. It will have a greater distance, like the distance of 5 normal relays, but it will cost a bit more. This would be really helpful for people selling power, such as Me and Crazykid, we made the Promethean Electric Company.

Re: Electric Pole Relay

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:24 pm
by LostInTheWired
The relays themselves do not control the distance. The distance is controlled within the tool, and checking entity class just to figure out my distance would be a bit annoying. Don't know if we'll be doing that. There's a reason there's a limit, and it's not to be a dick. It's so it's expensive to keep an area controlled by a group entirely.