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PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:34 am
by Bobington
So I know on occasion that I am would like to help people by letting them into my base and rest, but I do not trust them. So I was thinking maybe it would be cool to have a option to search a person for weapons and such to make sure they are of no threat. It would NOT be a forceful or sneaky search but instead you would ask the person to be able to search them, if they accept then it would tell you what weapons they have after a few seconds. If they decline the request to search then nothing happens on the exception than it tells you the search was declined. And to take this further you could possibly have a weapon (metal detector) and do the same thing as before but also search their inventory for weapons.

Re: Security

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:54 pm
by LostInTheWired
Maybe. Don't have much more to say than that. XD

Re: Security

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:06 pm
by lilguy
Wouldn't it be kinda flawed overall? I mean, sure you can check if player has any weapons equipped or in their inventory, but who doesn't have a weapon past early-game?

And if they don't have a weapon on their immediate self, they can still come in and plop down a vehicle or locker that has a weapon in it and equip that.