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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:46 pm
by DevilsNipple
right so going of by what Lord Rahl said. he was on about hostages or slaves. this is a very similar concept.
You have a "jail" item in the shop(unsure of what prop, but i was thinking the giant blue bin upside down). This jail once bout can be dropped and placed wherever you want and have the default texture of chains.
"open jail", "lock jail", unlock jail", or "close jail". you can hold hostages in this jail, they CAN starve to death as people dont always want to eat, but if the player wishes to RP correct can take your "small" food offerings. if you put someone in jail and "close jail" but don't "lock jail" they can press "use" on it and start picking it to open it which can take 30 seconds or simular. but if its locked it cannot be opened by the inside, instead ANY other player can pick it from the outside and open it in say 40 or 50 seconds.
recap and extras:
-jailed players are stuck, can open from the inside IF not locked
-when locked jail can only be opened from outside
-players CAN starve in jail
-ONLY level 3's from a community can place the jail (this one is debatable)
-ONLY level 3's can lock the jail as they have the key (this one makes more sense. boss has the key but anyone else can still jail people).

Re: jailes.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:09 pm
by [TBU] CrazyKid
Could do that, or you could just build a small "jail" of sorts using props and a keypad :P

Re: jailes.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:43 am
by DevilsNipple
haha yeh. i just thought making it have like an open/close menu would be cool and having the ability to break out of jail if they forget to lock it. or using your radio to call a freind over to unlock it from the outside.