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Class Balancing

PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:55 am
by DevilsNipple
So johns title about class balancing made me think.

How about having the classes be balanced out to amount of people using them. by this i mean say there are 10 users online and 3 of them are science class, Noone else can then also pick science class as there are allready too many in that class. This will make team work be needed and also stop the whole change class when ever you like and supply yourself idea. with 10 people on there are most likely going to be one of each class on and everyone will be relying on one another. Also having it to be at a moderate level would be better, meaning that if there are 10 players on and 5 classes there not restricted to only 2 people per class but instead say 3, and if there are only 2 people on and one person is science class the other person can still be a science class with no worries. this will just help so if the only guy who is science is a douch you can still supply yourself with medkits if needed, but with lots of players on you wouldnt be able to supply yourself.

Re: Class Balancing

PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:23 pm
by [TBU] CrazyKid
There should not really be a limit to how many people can be in one class at once, that'd be kind of annoying. I agree sometimes people over-use a specific class or there's too many scientists or something like that. But still, how would you feel being restricted from a class because too many people are in it? What if you were already that class, the class is full, and you join the server? Makes no sense to lock down classes.

In the next update Lost will add more intermediary items which will bring the classes more close together and cooperation between them will be more frequent. Supposedly, you'd have to get an egg for a wasteland worm, and only wastelanders could sell you one. See what I mean?

Re: Class Balancing

PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:37 pm
by eldarstorm
That idea has been given several times, and its not one that we are really inclined to. We dont want to lock the casses down that way, nor do we want to lock them down by model (just bringing that up since that usually the next request ) :P

Re: Class Balancing

PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:38 am
by DevilsNipple
haha. i get yor points. i was thinking as i was typing that its not a great idea but then i thought well, il just get there opinions anyway.

Re: Class Balancing

PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:42 am
by [TBU] CrazyKid
It was worth a shot, eh? XD But yeah truly, I'd HATE to be locked into a class D:

Re: Class Balancing

PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:36 am
by Remnant John
lol, just noticed, after the Gmod 13 update... Wastelander will be my best friend.

Re: Class Balancing

PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:42 am
by Lord Rahl